Sunday, December 24, 2006

Nothing too Exciting

Grace and I are getting ready for tomorrow's Christmas celebration. It will be a little quieter and a smaller group at the homestead this year. Patrick and Kate are celebrating their first Christmas in their new home (yea), but it will be sad not to have them here for the first time in many years. Change is always inevitable! My Aunt Kay won't be joining us either as she is now residing in Kentucky and that is a long way for her to travel. We will miss you all! But, my folks, Dede and Jackie, John and Mary, and my daughter Kristen and her beau Josh will be here for the festivities.

I have been fighting a nasty cold this week and it pretty much shot my long weekend. Oh well, it could be worse I guess. Grace and I spent a little money on ourselves and bought a video camera. Boy have times changed! We never had the opportunity to have one years ago when the kids were growing up, so when needed it, we just borrowed one. This thing is amazing in its technology - it fits in the plan of your hand and can do so much more than the old over-the-shoulder units from years ago.

We will use it a lot on our Harley trips, but I thought I would give my movie taking abilities a shot to see what I need to work on... ahh, I have some skills that I need to develop! Here our first movie featuring the Mach 1.


Anonymous said...

Woah, super tech-y... Im impressed! You can almost smell the hydrocarbons!! Can't wait to see you tomorow!

Patrick said...

Nice bloggin' there.

You should affix the camera to the dash and drive around some!

Patrick said...

Your mustang video's been viewed more then 2000 times!