Smart Kids…
Having been through the turmoil of writing papers and preparing legal briefs while in college, I always thought writing a thesis was like a huge term paper, but also heard that it was a bit more cumbersome than that. Knowing that thesis work was typically reserved for those going for their master’s degrees and never pursuing that avenue of education, I never gave it much thought. However, when Kristen brought home a copy of her thesis a few weeks ago and I saw that it was bound and hard covered – yah…its a book! - I’m thinking, wow, the bar sure has been raised!
Her thesis (again, it’s a book) is called Evidence Based Practice for Emergent Literacy Intervention for Children Who Use AAC. It is so impressive that I have no idea what this means, although Grace tells me it has something to do with studies that have been done in the past on children with disabilities. There are not enough studies to draw any conclusions one way or another. Again – that is the 50-cent version, the thesis is much more impressive in its detail.
So, you are probably asking, OK, we know that Kristen had to do a thesis as part of her degree; after all, it is a standard that most going for a masters has to go through. And yes, we know that Kristen is really smart with this stuff, but what follows is what I find truly amazing.
It seems that a publisher in Germany was so impressed with Kristen’s work that they want to publish it. As Kristen so aptly puts it, ‘Holy Crap’.
Imagine, the little girl that once couldn’t color within the lines, is going to have a published work!
Parent’s pride at its best. To have a work published for local reading is one thing, but across the Atlantic... wow.
So, maybe the proud parents can plan on an early retirement???
Thanks Mom and Dad... Its still impressive to me that I wrote it! About early retirement however, I get approximately 3% commission on the 10% profits that the book MAY sell. A dinner out at Greg's may be more appropriate :-)
Wicked Smaht. Nice to see posting again!
After reading Pat's comment, ya'll my live in NC, but your still a yankee
Fabulous, Kristen! Fabulous!
Nice post Dad.
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